Black Business Alert: Meet Jembere Eyewear

[socialBuzz] Black Business Alert: Meet Jembere Eyewear

Although Abaynesh Jembere created her business only a short year ago, Jembere Eyewear is doing quite well as a black owned eye-wear designer. Abaynesh Jembere has over a decade of experience in managing, designing, and merchandising in they eye-wear industry.



Check out entrepreneurial advice that comes from Jembere Eyewear:


Organizing is essential: It is important to have a business plan that includes your finances, daily operations, short and long term goals. When launching a business, you want to avoid confusion and frustration due to being unorganized.

You timing is key: Is your product or service solving someones problem and is it timely for your market? For example, Uber was perfect timing due to frustrations with cab services. Therefore, if you are solving someone’s problem, capitalize on the opportunity.



Set realistic goals: Make sure to set goals that are obtainable. Remember that every business is different, therefore your goals may be different than the next entrepreneur. However, challenge yourself based on your skillset and abilities.


Understand your market: Be smart and research the needs of your market. Understand what they are looking for. Research who has been successful in your market and who has failed in your market. This should help you with goal setting.

Your passion must drive your business: It is impossible for you to show your passion for business as consumers, investors, others in the industry feed off of it. You must have faith in yourself and your business idea, even when times are rough. Your passion will attract the right people to your business.
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