Most of us can relate to the story of Ejovi Newere. He grew up in the Bed-Sty section of Brooklyn and did not have it easy coming up. After watching a close friend gunned down as a teenager and his mother succumb to drugs, Nuwere began searching for an escape and found it in technology. His uncle was an college educated man who own a computer. Ejovi began playing on the computer which led to a life of hacking. However, the life of hacking ended when Ejovi began to take the ethical approach. Now Ejovi is a self made millionare who is trying to help others become more technologically savvy. Below are the three things you can learn from his story.
Do the right thing
Ejovi broke down a company security access and called them to show them how he did it. He didn’t do it for a reward, he did it because it was the right thing to do. He was offered a career after that which led to him creating his own company.
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